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Jep - Java Embedded Python

Python: 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 License: zlib/libpng Pypi: v4.2.0 Docs: wiki Docs: JavaDoc

Jep embeds CPython in Java through JNI.

Some benefits of embedding CPython in a JVM:


Simply run pip install jep or download the source and run pip install .. Building and installing require the JDK, Python, and optionally numpy to be installed beforehand.


Notable features


We welcome comments, contributions, bug reports, wiki documentation, etc.

If you need help, please first search for existing solutions online, in the the issues, and on the wiki. If you still need help, please open a GitHub issue and we will try and help you. Please remember to close the issue once it has been resolved.

Jep Team