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addIncludePaths(String...) - Method in class jep.JepConfig
Adds a path of directories separated by File.pathSeparator that will be appended to the sub-intepreter's sys.path
addSharedModules(String...) - Method in class jep.JepConfig
Adds module names to the set of shared modules
addTopLevelPackageName(String) - Method in class jep.NamingConventionClassEnquirer
Adds a top level package name to the list of names that should be considered as Java packages
as(Class<T>) - Method in class jep.python.PyObject
Attempt to convert this object to a Java equivalant using the builtin Jep conversions.


call(Object...) - Method in class jep.python.PyCallable
Invokes this callable with the args in order.
call(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jep.python.PyCallable
Invokes this callable with keyword args.
call(Object[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jep.python.PyCallable
Invokes this callable with positional args and keyword args.
callAs(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class jep.python.PyCallable
Invokes this callable with the args in order, converting the return value to the given class.
callAs(Class<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jep.python.PyCallable
Invokes this callable with keyword args, converting the return value to the given class.
callAs(Class<T>, Object[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jep.python.PyCallable
Invokes this callable with positional args and keyword args, converting the return value to the given class.
ClassEnquirer - Interface in jep
Interface to enquire if a name is available to be imported from Java.
ClassList - Class in jep
A singleton that searches for loaded classes from the JRE and the Java classpath.
cleanupReferences() - Method in class jep.python.MemoryManager
Cleans out all the known references to PyPointers associated with this Interpreter.
cleanupWeakReferences() - Method in class jep.python.MemoryManager
Cleans out weak references to PyPointers associated with this Interpreter.
close() - Method in interface jep.Interpreter
close() - Method in class jep.Jep
Shuts down the Python interpreter.
close() - Method in class jep.MainInterpreter
Stop the interpreter thread.
close() - Method in class jep.python.PyObject
createJep() - Method in class jep.JepConfig
createSubInterpreter() - Method in class jep.JepConfig
Creates a new Jep instance and its associated sub-interpreter with this JepConfig.


delAttr(String) - Method in class jep.python.PyObject
Deletes an attribute on the wrapped Python object, similar to the Python built-in function delattr.
DirectNDArray<T extends java.nio.Buffer> - Class in jep
Represents a numpy.ndarray in Java.
DirectNDArray(T) - Constructor for class jep.DirectNDArray
Constructor for a Java DirectNDArray.
DirectNDArray(T, boolean) - Constructor for class jep.DirectNDArray
Constructor for a Java DirectNDArray.
DirectNDArray(T, int...) - Constructor for class jep.DirectNDArray
Constructor for a Java DirectNDArray.
DirectNDArray(T, boolean, int...) - Constructor for class jep.DirectNDArray
Constructor for a Java DirectNDArray.


equals(Object) - Method in class jep.DirectNDArray
equals(Object) - Method in class jep.NDArray
equals(Object) - Method in class jep.python.PyObject
Checks that the Java type matches and if so then uses Python's rich compare with the == operator to check if this wrapped Python object matches the other PyObject.
eval(String) - Method in interface jep.Interpreter
Evaluate Python statements.
eval(String) - Method in class jep.Jep
exec(String) - Method in interface jep.Interpreter
Execute an arbitrary number of Python statements in this interpreter.
exec(String) - Method in class jep.Jep


getAttr(String) - Method in class jep.python.PyObject
Access an attribute of the wrapped Python Object, similar to the Python built-in function getattr.
getAttr(String, Class<T>) - Method in class jep.python.PyObject
Access an attribute of the wrapped Python Object, similar to the Python built-in function getattr.
getClassNames(String) - Method in interface jep.ClassEnquirer
Given a Java package name, gets the fully-qualified classnames available for import in the package.
getClassNames(String) - Method in class jep.ClassList
get classnames in package
getClassNames(String) - Method in class jep.NamingConventionClassEnquirer
getInstance() - Static method in class jep.ClassList
get ClassList instance
getLength(T) - Method in class jep.DirectNDArray
getPyObject() - Method in class jep.python.InvocationHandler
getSubPackages(String) - Method in interface jep.ClassEnquirer
Given a Java package name, gets the sub-packages available.
getSubPackages(String) - Method in class jep.ClassList
getSubPackages(String) - Method in class jep.NamingConventionClassEnquirer
getValue(String) - Method in interface jep.Interpreter
Retrieves a value from this Python interpreter.
getValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface jep.Interpreter
Like Interpreter.getValue(String) but allows specifying the return type.
getValue(String) - Method in class jep.Jep
getValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in class jep.Jep
getValue_bytearray(String) - Method in class jep.Jep
use Python 3 bytes object instead and Jep.getValue(String,Class) with byte[].class Retrieves a Python string object as a Java byte[].


hashCode() - Method in class jep.DirectNDArray
hashCode() - Method in class jep.NDArray
hashCode() - Method in class jep.python.PyObject
Produces the hash code of the wrapped Python object by using the Python built-in method hash.


Interpreter - Interface in jep
An interface for using a Python Interpreter.
InvocationHandler - Class in jep.python
Handle Proxy method calls.
InvocationHandler(Jep, long, boolean) - Constructor for class jep.python.InvocationHandler
Creates a new InvocationHandler instance.
InvocationHandler(PyObject, boolean) - Constructor for class jep.python.InvocationHandler
Creates a new InvocationHandler instance.
invoke(String, Object...) - Method in interface jep.Interpreter
Invokes a Python function.
invoke(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jep.Interpreter
Invokes a Python function.
invoke(String, Object[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jep.Interpreter
Invokes a Python function.
invoke(String, Object...) - Method in class jep.Jep
invoke(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jep.Jep
invoke(String, Object[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jep.Jep
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jep.python.InvocationHandler
Processes a method invocation on a proxy instance and returns the result.
isInteractive() - Method in class jep.Jep
This may be removed in a future version of Jep.
isJavaPackage(String) - Method in interface jep.ClassEnquirer
Checks if the name is likely available in Java as a package.
isJavaPackage(String) - Method in class jep.ClassList
Checks if the String is known to the ClassList as an available package
isJavaPackage(String) - Method in class jep.NamingConventionClassEnquirer
isValid() - Method in class jep.python.PyObject
In a future release this method will not be public and/or its method signature may change.
isValidThread() - Method in class jep.Jep
For internal usage only. Internal Only


jep - package jep
Jep - Class in jep
As of Jep 3.9, you should strive to instantiate either a SubInterpreter or a SharedInterpreter instance and for interacting with the interpreter use the interface Interpreter.
Jep() - Constructor for class jep.Jep
Deprecated in 3.9. Use SubInterpreter or SharedInterpreter instead. If you used Jep objects in previous releases, use SubIntepreter for the same behavior.
Jep(boolean) - Constructor for class jep.Jep
Please use Jep.Jep(JepConfig) instead.
Jep(boolean, String) - Constructor for class jep.Jep
Please use Jep.Jep(JepConfig) instead.
Jep(boolean, String, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jep.Jep
Please use Jep.Jep(JepConfig) instead.
Jep(boolean, String, ClassLoader, ClassEnquirer) - Constructor for class jep.Jep
Please use Jep.Jep(JepConfig) instead.
Jep(JepConfig) - Constructor for class jep.Jep
Deprecated in 3.9. Use SubInterpreter or SharedInterpreter instead. If you used Jep objects in previous releases, use SubIntepreter for the same behavior.
jep.python - package jep.python
JepAccess - Class in jep
Allow access to Jep internal structure in sub-packages.
JepConfig - Class in jep
A configuration object for constructing a Jep instance, corresponding to the configuration of the particular Python sub-interpreter.
JepConfig() - Constructor for class jep.JepConfig
JepException - Exception in jep
JepException - it happens.
JepException() - Constructor for exception jep.JepException
Creates a new JepException instance.
JepException(String) - Constructor for exception jep.JepException
Creates a new JepException instance.
JepException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jep.JepException
Creates a new JepException instance.
JepException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jep.JepException
Creates a new JepException instance.


main(String[]) - Static method in class jep.ClassList
for testing only
main(String[]) - Static method in class jep.Run
Describe main method here.
MainInterpreter - Class in jep
The main Python interpreter that all sub-interpreters will be created from.
MemoryManager - Class in jep.python
Manages the native memory associated with PyObjects in an Interpreter.
MemoryManager() - Constructor for class jep.python.MemoryManager


NamingConventionClassEnquirer - Class in jep
A simple ClassEnquirer to see if the package/class to be imported in a Python interpreter should be considered as a Java package/class.
NamingConventionClassEnquirer() - Constructor for class jep.NamingConventionClassEnquirer
Convenience constructor.
NamingConventionClassEnquirer(boolean) - Constructor for class jep.NamingConventionClassEnquirer
NamingConventionClassEnquirer(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jep.NamingConventionClassEnquirer
NDArray<T> - Class in jep
Represents a numpy.ndarray in Java.
NDArray(T) - Constructor for class jep.NDArray
Constructor for a Java NDArray.
NDArray(T, boolean) - Constructor for class jep.NDArray
Constructor for a Java NDArray.
NDArray(T, int...) - Constructor for class jep.NDArray
Constructor for a Java NDArray.
NDArray(T, boolean, int...) - Constructor for class jep.NDArray
Constructor for a Java NDArray.


proxy(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Method in class jep.python.PyObject
Create a dynamic proxy that implements the provided interfaces by calling the corresponding Python methods on this PyObject.
PyCallable - Class in jep.python
A Java object that wraps a pointer to a Python callable.
PyConfig - Class in jep
A configuration object for setting Python pre-initialization parameters.
PyConfig() - Constructor for class jep.PyConfig
PyObject - Class in jep.python
A Java object that wraps a pointer to a Python object.
PyPointer - Class in jep.python
Contains pointers to a JepThread* and a PyObject* for using a PyObject* in Java as a PyObject or its subclasses.


RESTRICTED_PKG_NAMES - Static variable in interface jep.ClassEnquirer
Certain Java libraries (e.g.
Run - Class in jep
Executes a Python script in a Jep Interpreter.
run(boolean) - Static method in class jep.Run
runScript(String) - Method in interface jep.Interpreter
Runs a Python script.
runScript(String) - Method in class jep.Jep
runScript(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class jep.Jep
This may be removed in a future version of Jep, as Jep does not fully support changing the ClassLoader after construction.


set(String, Object) - Method in interface jep.Interpreter
Sets the Java Object into the interpreter's global scope with the specified variable name.
set(String, Object) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, String) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, boolean) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, int) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, short) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, char[]) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, char) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, byte) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, long) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, double) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, float) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, boolean[]) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, int[]) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, short[]) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, byte[]) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, long[]) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, double[]) - Method in class jep.Jep
set(String, float[]) - Method in class jep.Jep
setAttr(String, Object) - Method in class jep.python.PyObject
Sets an attribute on the wrapped Python object, similar to the Python built-in function setattr.
setClassEnquirer(ClassEnquirer) - Method in class jep.JepConfig
Sets a ClassEnquirer to determine which imports are Python vs Java, or null for the default ClassList
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class jep.Jep
This may be removed in a future version of Jep. Jep does not fully support changing the ClassLoader after construction.
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class jep.JepConfig
Sets the ClassLoader to use when importing Java classes from Python
setConfig(JepConfig) - Static method in class jep.SharedInterpreter
Sets interpreter settings for the all SharedInterpreters.
setDontWriteBytecodeFlag(int) - Method in class jep.PyConfig
Set the Py_DontWriteBytecodeFlag variable on the python interpreter.
setHashRandomizationFlag(int) - Method in class jep.PyConfig
Set the Py_HashRandomizationFlag variable on the python interpreter.
setIgnoreEnvironmentFlag(int) - Method in class jep.PyConfig
Set the Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag variable on the python interpreter.
setIncludePath(String) - Method in class jep.JepConfig
Sets a path of directories separated by File.pathSeparator that will be appended to the sub-intepreter's sys.path
setInitParams(PyConfig) - Static method in class jep.Jep
setInitParams(PyConfig) - Static method in class jep.MainInterpreter
Sets interpreter settings for the main Python interpreter.
setInteractive(boolean) - Method in class jep.Jep
This may be removed in a future version of Jep.
setInteractive(boolean) - Method in class jep.JepConfig
Interactive mode will be removed in a future release. See for an example of how to interactively execute Python using the builtin compile() and exec() functions.
setJepLibraryPath(String) - Static method in class jep.MainInterpreter
Sets the path of the jep native library.
setNoSiteFlag(int) - Method in class jep.PyConfig
Set the Py_NoSiteFlag variable on the python interpreter.
setNoUserSiteDirectory(int) - Method in class jep.PyConfig
Set the Py_NoUserSiteDirectory variable on the python interpreter.
setOptimizeFlag(int) - Method in class jep.PyConfig
Set the Py_OptimizeFlag variable on the python interpreter.
setPythonHome(String) - Method in class jep.PyConfig
Set the home location on the python interpreter.
setRedirectOutputStreams(boolean) - Method in class jep.JepConfig
Sets whether to redirect the Python sys.stdout and sys.stderr streams to the Java System.out and System.err streams
setSharedModules(Set<String>) - Method in class jep.JepConfig
Sets the names of modules which should be shared with other Jep sub-interpreters.
setSharedModulesArgv(String...) - Static method in class jep.Jep
setSharedModulesArgv(String...) - Static method in class jep.MainInterpreter
Sets the sys.argv values on the main interpreter.
setVerboseFlag(int) - Method in class jep.PyConfig
Set the Py_VerboseFlag variable on the python interpreter.
sharedImport(String) - Method in class jep.MainInterpreter
Import a module into the main interpreter on the correct thread for that interpreter.
SharedInterpreter - Class in jep
Class for creating instances of Interpreters which share all imported modules.
SharedInterpreter() - Constructor for class jep.SharedInterpreter
SubInterpreter - Class in jep
Class for creating instances of Interpreters which are sandboxed from other Interpreters.
SubInterpreter() - Constructor for class jep.SubInterpreter
Creates a new sub interpreter.
SubInterpreter(JepConfig) - Constructor for class jep.SubInterpreter


toString() - Method in class jep.python.PyObject
Produces the string representation of the wrapped Python object by using the Python built-in method str.


Util - Class in jep
Utility functions
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